Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Christmas Past" Altered Tray

Hi everyone. It's been a SUPER busy week for me and I haven't had a chance to really blog, YouTube, craft, etc. I'm having MAJOR withdrawals! And with Thanksgiving literally around the corner, my time will be spent enjoying the holiday with family and friends. I am thankful for my parents, my brothers, my in-laws... and most especially grateful for my husband and wonderful little boys - Jarrod, Dylan & Logan. Oh, and can't forget my baby Yorkie Nala! And there's all of you out there... my scrappy family.... my life has changed in so many wonderful, amazing ways having met all of you. I want to say "thank you" for being there, for the inspiration you bring to me and for supporting me with your comments, messages and good cheer! There is so much to be thankful for and this season, so be sure to kiss your loved ones and tell them how much they mean to you. :-)

Here is the Graphic 45 "Christmas Past" altered tray I created early last week. I had so much fun turning this plain wooden box into something I can proudly display on my wall. The G45 papers are just GORGEOUS and OMG, you have to try out all the new Christmas colors by Lindy Stamp Gang. Be sure to check out their site, the Black Friday sale begins 11/26, 30% entire store (reg priced merchandise.) Coupon Code: BLACKFRIDAY. Be sure to watch my video tutorial for details on the colors I used in this project.

Click HERE to view the video tutorial.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :-)


  1. really pretty! love the papers you used, your so creative! Happy Turkey day :)

  2. Really pretty! Love the papers too.

    Hope you and your wonderful family have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

    I just want to thank you again for all your videos and insperation. It is so appreciated.

  3. Arlene, you are so talented. I adore your blog and videos. What an inspiration. That you so much!

  4. Gorgeous project - I really like the work you do. Elizabeth x

  5. This is a beautiful project and you have a gorgeous layout!

    I'm definitely a follower of your blog...please stop by and visit my blog..thanks!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! ♡ HUGS ♡ ~Arlene